Abscis Architecten - K-department PC Sleidinge: Yidam & Yügen

Abscis Architecten

Sint-Margrietstraat 15
B-9000 Gent

+32 (0)9 244 60 20

Abscis Architects’ mission

For Abscis Architecten, the city is the collective space in which contemporary society manifests and develops, with its history, dynamics and diversity, and its wealth of places and particularities that we cherish and take care of. The city as foundation for human activity is never absolute and can always be improved by means of organisation and efficiency.

Abscis Architecten - View project

Temporary European School Brussels

In anticipation of the construction of the 'European School V Brussels', the Belgian Buildings Agency held a (DBM-)competition for the construction of a temporary school on the parking lot of the former NATO headquarters in Haren.